Are LinkedIn Recommendations and Endorsements Worthwhile? [St. Thomas Career Link Blog]

“Someone has endorsed you for the following skills….” I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of email notifications that start out with this line. LinkedIn endorsements. They seem to be flying around, but are they worthwhile?

In an article I recently wrote for St. Thomas’s Career Link blog, I dug into whether or not LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations are actually worth your time.

What I believe it comes down to is a few simple elements – make sure you’re not overdoing it, be specific with recommendations you request, and seek out thought leaders to play a part in your recommendations. Based on what I’ve seen, if you follow these simple guidelines, your LinkedIn profile (and ultimately your career), will benefit.

Another important point worth mentioning is the fact that more and more, you need to be conscious of the role your online brand plays in people’s perception of you. No longer can you simply rely on first impressions (in person), because it’s likely that your LinkedIn profile (or Facebook page, Twitter account, etc.) has already spoken for you. One of the first things our recruiters do when someone applies for a role is to check out their LinkedIn profile to see what they have accomplished, how they present themselves, and what kind of recommendations they’ve received.

Does your LinkedIn profile represent you well?

Check out this article for more information about how to make LinkedIn recommendations and endorsements work for you!

I’d love to hear about any experiences you have had with LinkedIn recommendations or endorsements helping you land a career opportunity or new business.