Time is Money: 3 Ways to Network Meaningfully

Networking can be the most valuable tool you have to boost your career. However, done wrong, it can be a total waste of time.

The Unwritten Rules of Networking

These three basic principles will help you make the most of networking.

  1. Approach networking like you would a friendship
  2. Respect other’s time as you’d like them to respect yours
  3. Focus on networking opportunities that will add value to your life

The Golden Rule of Networking

  1. Don’t Be a Taker
  2. Don’t Only Be a Giver
  3. Be the Well-Rounded Networker

The best approach to networking is to both offer and accept help. View it like you would a friendship; both parties benefit most when there is a balance of give and take.

Networking ROI: Time is Money, Make Smart Networking Decisions

Your time is valuable. Always define your purpose for attending an event. For new opportunities, take the time to weigh the cost with the perceived benefit. For those networking opportunities you’ve already attended, reflect on the experience and its value to your personal/professional development.

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